Say it More
Nothing deliberate or malicious in my actions
She said she would wait
Still I wish I could have that moment back
Just like a thousand others
I say that far too often
Honorable intentions no longer accepted
I saw it unfold in slow motion
Immediately knew the consequences
That River of Ugliness flowed mercilessly
An often painful reminder of my imbecilic actions
Far too common
A walking tree of daily incompetence
The Wound was very real
It stung, throbbed, then burned.
That easy access dark box emerged and announced the verdict
Own it
Assume the position
Don’t you dare hide in this self proclaimed darkness
Its not about You
Victimization verboten
I apologized
Numerous times
I was truly sorry
Reviewed the sequence repeatedly in my mind
Uncontrollable but silent self loathing
She scoffed at my sorrowful tone
I apologized again
Say it more she implored
I know the drawer.
Inside there is much to choose
All extremely capable
But how capable was I
Was the time this time or again next time
Undoubtedly there would be more
So many before as the song remains the same
He told me how to cope
Thoughtful dissection
Intentions and motivations
Appropriate response
I know the drawer
The Angel whispers too soon
Herbies angel
More incompetence
Inherited inadequacies and insufficiencies
Cycle of life and patterns
Say it more