The screen door slammed but her dressed never waved. There was no dance. No vision.
Other than Arthur.
He brought my fantasy to rest. Throughout.
Dependency of rationale. No porch dancing today said Arthur. No promised land Ferris wheel.
The fun house is within and will remain.
Treasure the soul of a thousand dreams.
How confident those Parisians of masturbatory creation. A kismet of ideas, time, and place.
Caligulan dancing on subconscious revelry.
Arthur was there but only as observer.
He tells the admission ticket was simply unattainable. For those like me. Himself included.
Deja vu.
We were an egg divided.
I can back travel but the lessons remain consistent
A Legacy of ice and frozen aspirations.
Undeterred, we dream of change.
A world of welcome and warmth.
No matter ….