And Justice for All
And Justice for All
They called an intervention. My besties. Sisters for life.
Until they were not.
The power of three. To discuss my crimes. My heinous behavior.
No time to prepare. No legal counsel. Surprise attack. No support staff to call. I had myself. That sadly was not enough.
I acknowledge my crimes. Offered no defense. Tears. But there were no innocents. And she knew. Anticipation. The cards played as planned.
The shots were called. The hollow tribunal. In search of truth. Or not.
She swung the gavel. The lemmings agreed. And cackled. The verdict firmly established. Life is good!
The Big Steal. A heart was lost. Perhaps more? The cost of trust. Or not.
She knew.
Loss is tough to reconcile. Demands a response. Confrontation. Stack the cards. Reality fades.
But for good reason. To one. That was enough.
I got Trumped.
And justice for all.