We walked like seemed for hours.
They welcomed us.
Immediately they both went in another room.
I sat alone in the living room.
Tv was on – Johnny Carson.
Who I liked, but not that night.
Deliberately ignored.
And sulked.
One of the girls name was Joanne.
She ignored me – wouldn’t look my way.
I knew who she was because she and her family lived next door to us for a while.
Her sister was in my brother’s same grade. Wendy.
Our cat had kittens and Wendy took one. I remember her being sort of nice but my brother said she was dumb.
I’m guessing he secretly liked her but she wouldn’t give him the time of day. And I didn’t blame her.
Joanne was older than me and never smiled.
I remember she always wore tight jeans which looked kinda nice, but she had this odd stutter step that made me think she was carrying a turd or something in there. Kinda weird. The whole family. Except Wendy.
Her brother Bruce was younger than me but I played with him sometimes.
He cried when he didn’t get his way.
When we left, Frank let me smell his fingers.
They smelled sour, I think.
I was jealous.
And alone. Seemed like always.
I decided I never liked Joanne, and I never saw the other girl so not sure if I didn’t like her either.
Still, I felt like a creep.
I imagined my future life, my future wife. In love. In lust. Having fun.
My family moved and Frank and I never spoke again.
I had heard he married, had 3 children, and divorced. He sold insurance somewhere down south.
And Joanne died tragically in a car accident. She was drunk. Not sure if anyone else was hurt.
I moved to Toledo and work in a factory. Third Shift. I have a black cat named Jeff.