Me So Funny
Talk about it freely as if it’s something that’s under control.
All is good.
Pills making the difference.
But that’s not true …
The tears are frozen inside.
Still begging to breathe above the surface.
Sucking for air in that tiny space below the ice.
Feeling so excited.
Made the call, and she said yes!
Perhaps a little hesitation.
An awkward silence.
But I get it.
I mean, I’m not the captain of the football team or anything.
Just an average Joe.
Like the plumber.
And my name is Joe.
Only funnier.
Just a guy.
Hey guy!
Rockin the buzz when I heard!
The news …
Reality bites.
A lot.
She told him yes but said he wasn’t very good looking.
(At all)
But that he’s really funny!
And he is,
I’ll give him that,
A little weird – kinda needy.
But still …
But I wouldn’t have gone.
Definite no!
Too many head nods.
Lotta laughing.
A lot.
Too much agreement.
Who says the sound of girls laughing is so poetic?
For who?
I desperately wanted to pull that emergency latch.
Jump out back.
But then they’d know.
Worse than escape.
I heard the news today, oh boy!
Blew his mind out in a school bus …
Maybe this conversation would pass?
Talk about another loser.
What do I wear now?
I’m so damn funny!