Naya Love
she ghosted me
of all fucking nights
look like an asshole
maybe I am
what the fuck
what I do
Iove this fuckin bitch
i mean I do
I do
worship her
melt every time I see her
ice cream
just want to love her
hug her
kiss her
she make me sing
for real
american idol
mother knew
something was up
gave me the look
she didn’t know where she was
some bullshit
bitch knew
that fuckin look
she so knew
knew our plans
big dance
rite of passage
and shit
bitch knew
and lied
pretends nice to me
probably in on it
not even worried
I know why
ain’t good enough
fuck her
everyone’s fucked up
Naya told me
You ain’t shit bitch
fuckin alkie
still why
why tonight
all been so good
gotta pretend still is
play with my phone
fuckin drama bullshit
done with this shit.
i’m gone
soon as those fuckers walk
what the fuck, man
love that girl
so much
fuck love
what really is the point
love sucks