OJ and Special K
The Juice and Special K
Like many, I watched all the debates with a deep sadness for what may be to come. A disappointment that these two were now the choices before us, regardless of party affiliations, preferences, or beliefs. Orange Julius and Special K. One presented a well-known vision of fabrications, demagoguery, revenge, hate, whitewashed conservatism, and racist absurdity. And another with promising sound bites but not clear substance. The glory and degradation of modern politics. Or was it always this way?
The future of American democracy and freedom are at stake and yet so much remains in flux and undecided. The irony of the continued and shameless Islamophobia in our country … yet we are now heading towards a Christian version of Shariah Law with half the country willing to embrace this newly revised version of (White) Christianity in bold alignment with convenient reinterpretations of the constitution and even longstanding law. Welcome Project 2025. And the many supportive subsidies in OJ’s posse like TheoBros and the Rockbridge Group. Piety at its finest!
Was there a recent mutation in our collective human gene pool? Did I miss that memo? At least half voting Americans seem to embrace a man with no known moral character. The list of crimes, misogyny, racism, white nationalist embrace, faux Christian values, sexism, et all, obviously doesn’t truly matter to a good portion of our own citizen’s value perception of what they may perceive as a quality and forceful leader – character flaws aside. And the Juice is not alone. His party and their constituents accept their political leader’s obsession with power over morality and humanity. Lies and mistruth are the accepted norms. It’s funny, no?
Regardless of my perspective – they have spoken – passionately and consistently. And for many of us with what we may deem to be a sense of decency – its horrifying to know that that very lack of ethics and integrity is still embraced or ignored by family, neighbors, colleagues, even friends. Who and what have we become as a species?
Yes, what does that say about us? An aged white, self-absorbed , narcissistic and childlike grifter who legendarily deceives with a terrifying message to lead us into the future? Honestly – what is their vision of the future? Most rhetoric centers on the now and quite a dystopian vision. Or for many – a Snow-White mayonnaise utopia of churches, handmaids, and gun stores? I’m terrified for our children. And their children. Whitey’s last stand may prove to kill us all!
It’s baffling, really. I wondered – what if an alien lands on earth and with these beings’ blazing intelligence, they quietly scour our news media (including Fox) for several months. Or better yet – a few years – to get a sense of human intelligence in our mighty United States. The planet? Take the time needed to observe us in action. What would the objective report sent back to distant universes say? How do you honestly review the absolute and undeniable loathsome leader of the Republican Party’s resume? And life story – the victories and the blemishes? And his host of spineless and soulless minions? If truly wanting to best understand the motivations of these American humans – how would they process this current embrace of this one particular man? Given all the supposed advances of human intelligence?
I sadly wonder.
Regardless – this is where we are. Logic may not be a priority as this man must be the most morally reprehensible political figure ever in American politics. Yet a majority pay fealty to a man who has never exhibited kindness, compassion, or concern for the common man; those that adore him the most. Still, they love him. This is their bed. I do not believe history will be kind to this collective ignorance, and future generations will pay a dire price. If we and the planet survive. History may only be left for the cosmos.
Still, I’m obsessed here. What if Jesus returns and the two sit down to chat. Will JC accept OJ as the modern Messiah? The ideal choice to lead his followers into the future? And will JC finally certify the last election? Much to ponder. The Art of the Deal! And if so – will our newly anointed Messiah accept woman as equal to men in every and all respects? Will there be a caveat that he alone can still grab their pussies? Very Important! Will all those of faith share equal voice and respect throughout society, diminishing the current held view of white Christian supremacy? Does our anointed holy OJ view all individuals of color, race, creed, and sexual orientation as equals, while guaranteeing all a voice? Valid questions while acknowledging there sadly can never be ultimate perfection. But how close can we come?
Ok – who are we fooling, here? Really? Decency, respect, maturity, and decorum have left the building. Certainly, in the political arena. The heartland? What makes a state bleed red? Bleed with such love, worship, and adulation for one so far removed in reality from their lives and experiences, yet so hateful of those that may look different, yet share similar challenges in their lives. Do they see OJ while glancing at their mere reflection? Really?
That said – will Special K make the needed changes? Will she solve our economic woes? Provide the needed dollars to bolster our challenged educational systems? Can her background help fight racism? How will she battle the border woes? Will she cow tow and cater to the Jewish Lobby? Will she continue to grant Bibi carte blanche to further the genocide and in many ways painfully bring our entire planet into an international war? Valid questions and concerns? Ones she better address more clearly and forcefully soon so those on the fence have better sense on what’s at stake beyond Project 2025 and the upcoming and brutal whitewashing of our society.
She’s no deity and no one can successfully take on the challenges before us all. But can she move the country forward with vision, compassion, and a legitimate plan that is not grounded in hate, revenge, and selfish rewards? Will she even get that opportunity. IDK. And perhaps it’s too late. Depending on the day and what news source you pull from – it’s not looking promising for what’s to come on multiple levels.
So, I leave you with this image. And perhaps I’m then part of the problem – certainly not the solution. But like the Juice – I just can’t help myself.