The Show Goes On
I couldn’t resist him although I knew his intentions. And how it would all shake out. He didn’t disappoint. He told me what he wanted. He came. And he left. And that was fine – I didn’t care. This was the circus – we were just a show. Brief entertainment. Thrills. Suspense. And then we leave. As did he.
Hendricks was little too. But not everywhere. I know he was used. And abused. But I also know he liked it. Even the crazy stuff. He was an attraction. And made the best of it.
If you’re different – people pay attention. But not for good reason. We empower folks. Make them feel good about themselves. In the end – they are smaller.
I felt good with Hendricks. I sense he felt good too. Home. No acts and no illusions. We were real. However brief. Our little reality. And now he’s gone. But the show goes on.