The Key
Was it caste? Simple hate? Insecurity? Penis envy? Mommy issues? This has been ongoing for centuries. Supposedly progressive and having evolved. A career criminal, grifter, and convicted misogynist assault king is about to retake his throne. Similar storylines across the globe. What haven’t we learned? Why do we admire decadence and oppressive positions in such strong numbers? Why are some viewed with such derision and lack of value?
Collectively all the good books preach some level of morality. Millions bend to such literature and the messages they supposedly profess to support.
If the messiah is truly returning – let her/him come quickly as the planet is hurting beyond repair. Those devout followers – the future rests on your supposed pious shoulders. If you believe in the good book – in humanity – in the value that all of life deserve respect – stop hiding behind your false prophets. Take a true moral stand. Or not. And bravely face the consequences as there’s no turning back.