My Dear Christian Soldier
A relatively normal Tuesday morning
Took the D O G out twice and
Successfully could report she
Peed and pooped
With verve and abundance
A new cycle week so I was
In relatively good spirits
Had no reason to suspect otherwise
With this planned call from the man
Our conversation was scheduled for a Tuesday
All was cordial and bright
With such pleasantry and light
Some Inquiries on my treatment
Best in the state – right?
A coy transition then
To the dirty deeds at hand
New policies in need of consistency
With consistency being key
Undoubtedly chaos would ensue
Without strict uniformity
He was adamant this was good for all
Is there something wrong I’ve missed
Or is this normal behavior
To call someone
Inquire their wellbeing
Knowing they’re sick
Possibly terminal
Yet still exchange pleasantries before
Delivering the news of
You’re no longer needed
Insurance cancelled too
As Orange Julius would joyously proclaim
You’re fired
I couldn’t see if
He wore that red tie
But I know he adored him
Golden Age adulation
As he too
Wanted us all great again
Perhaps this was his small
But necessary contribution
I sense he slept well
That night
As he did all others
This was god’s work he told himself and young daughters too
Policy, consistency, and the almighty GP
Have we forgotten to love
Or did Websters now begin
Eliminating the words
At the direction of
The great one
So very beautiful
Empathy and compassion
Much like other leftist fables
Critical race theory
Fake news
How convenient for these
Fluffernutter cunts
That should make this nation (or world)
So very great again
But who’s sufficiently illiterate
To have such grand recollections
In what world are we referencing
Ignorance and intolerance
Deserving of reverence
For whom, really
Sleep well my good Christian soldier
Let your conscience breathe clear again tonight
On fluffy white pillows and wonder bread sheets.
Your work continues to support what is Right
16 years
Dedication and service
Summed up briefly in a call
Accompanied by a note
Loyalty to the Man
The almighty
White privileged Man
Delivered in a letter
A Yuletide bonus
Of epic proportions
Our favorite birthday
Merry Christmas indeed
(New) Rules absolutely
Demanding we obey
No matter the past
With others excused
Cancer is no exception
For leniency or discussion
It’s black and white, bitches
And new rules are
The gospel
For some
As the meek shall inherit the earth
Sleep well my good Christians
Let your conscience breathe clear again tonight
On fluffy white pillows and wonder bread sheets.
Your work continues to support what is Right
I try to understand
How business is business
And how such actions
Can be condoned
But typically
Delivered by those with
Nothing to lose
But so much to gain
GP, baby
And so moral bankruptcy
Is our celebrated new norm
Humanity perhaps
In a state of flux
And decay
But only for
Those deviant progressives
Dying for change
This is Amerika my friend
Make peace, move, or suffer
But couldn’t let go
My commie pinko heart
Still I wondered
How do they sleep at night
What do their reflections
Truly reveal
In their solitude
So convinced of their good
And my altruistic contribution
While kicked to the curb
Ultimately, I was a hero
Despite my clouded vision
Don’t despair
Take one for the team
Continuity is king
Consistency rules
This – the new Benevolence
Suffering through sacrifice
Profit sharing is now secure
Didn’t we once have it all
We can have it
Take more shots
Get the salt
Get the butter
Cut deeper
Let those
Benjamin’s rule
Let love rule
Sleep well my good Christians
Let your conscience breathe clear again tonight
On fluffy white pillows and wonder bread sheets.
Your work continues to support what is Right
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