Time to Fly
What if this horrific disease has its way and the grim reaper comes to take me away. All are gathered – maybe not as many as I had hoped or envisioned, and some kind words are solemnly expressed. A few cute stories, some witty remembrances, some head shakes at the playlist I prepared.
But the angel of death is suddenly called away for someone far more important. The deed is done yet the path to that next dimension has been temporarily closed. He asked me to wait, yet I’m curious as to what may happen if I choose to wander a bit.
First, I want to fly. To feel the wind in my face as I glide unnoticed across the sky. Then down amongst the living, a shopping mall, a dentist office, perhaps an MTG strategy meeting? Maybe even a massage parlor as I was always curious about those supposed “happy endings!” And what about my old boss, the greedy prick that terminated my cancer-stricken ass once FMLA expired. I am strictly gas now but could I will some evil bad juju’s his way? What now was I capable of? It was unclear how much time I had before they discovered my absence, so I had to work fast. This could be a lot of fun – how now could I really fuck with this asshole?
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